US District Judge Susan Bolton ruled to temporarily block some parts of the new immigration law proposed by Arizona. This came on the day before the law was to go into place. The ruling stated that immigration enforcement should be managed by the federal government, not the state governments. The most important part of the law that was blocked was the requirement requiring police officers to check immigration status of people stopped in routine infractions. Arizona plans to appeal the decision. This new law has been the source of great controversy throughout the country since originally signed by Governor Jan Brewer in April. Nearly 24 other states are considering such laws. The Obama administration plans to focus on criminal aliens and those who hire illegal labor. Another section of the law blocked would have required police to detain people while their legal status was being checked. The judge blocked this section because she believed it would lead to wrongful arrest of legal aliens.
This law was put into place because of the problems that Arizona has had with illegal immigrants. More human and drug smuggling is done Arizona than in any other state and currently 460,000 illegal immigrants live there. The rise in kidnappings and violent crime make it understandable that people of the state feel something needs to be done. Although the federal government has been promising help, it has not appeared in a way that Arizonans feel is effective.
Jordan, Miriam. “Judge Blocks Arizona Law.” The Wall Street Journal. 29 July 2010.
This law has proven to be necessary and essential to solve the immigration crisis in Arizona. Many illegal aliens bring in drugs and reportedly commit crimes.By postponing the effect date of this law it only postpones what needs to be done. This immigration crisis forces tax payers to pay for those who are illegal here. Such as if an illegal alien has a child in the United States, tax payers then pay to send that child to school, for medicare, and eventually social security although their parents do not pay taxes or contribute to the progress of this country. It is not only unfair to the Arizona citizens to postpone this law and decrease its effectiveness but also to the tax paying citizens in all fifty states.