Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 8- National

Rep. Maxine Waters (CA-D) is under investigation of ethics violations. Her chief of staff is her grandson, Mikael Moore, and it appears that he may be at the center of the charges. Ms. Waters is accused of giving $12 million in bailout funds to a bank in which her husband owned stock. The charges indicate that she was aware of her grandson’s actions, but did nothing to stop him, creating the appearance that she was taking action for personal benefit. Mr. Moore has made no comment, and it is not clear if he had been acting in her direction.

This type of problem just emphasizes why the public has little faith in politicians. The charges against Ms. Waters are serious enough that the Congress has ordered an investigation, and she claims her innocence. She also should know enough not to become involved in matters that would make it look as though she is behaving in unethical behavior. If it is true that her grandson was the problem, it still comes back to her since he is on her staff.

Mullins, Brody. “Ethics Cite Role of Waters’ Grandson.” The Wall Street Journal. 8 Aug. 2010.

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