Monday, August 16, 2010

July 29: Economic

A study shows that there is a drop in usage of medical services. This appears to be due to the fact that more Americans are buying high deductable plans in an effort to save money. A range of businesses connected to health care from lab testing to pharmacies have shown a decline in the second quarter from over a year ago. This is a surprise to those in the industry. This is partly accounted for by consumer patients’ decisions to not opt for elective surgeries. Economists think that this is due to the recession; others think that this could become a trend. This could lower the cost of health care premiums.

I think that this could actually be a good sign if people take responsibility for their own health care expenses. The idea the universal health care will cover all needs for every person doesn’t make economic sense, and no one wants to government who get what procedures. If people cut back on elective surgeries and pick higher deductable plans this will save the entire system money and could be beneficial for everyone. There will always be people who need financial help trying to receive adequate health care, but if the majority of Americans cannot depend on the government to do this that will help those in need and give Am4ericans control of their own health care decisions.

Johnson, Avery, Jonathan D. Rockoff and Anna Wilde Mathews. “Americans Cut Back on Visits to Doctor.” The Wall Street Journal. 29 July 2010.

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