Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 3- National

According to the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), illegal aliens are being deported at higher levels, reflecting a move by the Obama administration to deport criminal aliens. These are illegal aliens who have committed offences from murder to property damage to traffic violations. Only 17% were guilty of violent crimes. 37,000 criminal aliens have been deported so far this year, 60% higher than the final year of the Bush administration.

This seems like a good step in dealing with the illegal alien problem. Those who enter the US illegally are violating the law, but the larger problem comes from those who commit criminal acts. If these people can be deported and dealt with, maybe the other issues will be easier to deal with.

Jordon, Miriam. “Deportations Increase Sharply.” The Wall Street Journal. 3 Aug. 2010

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