Monday, July 12, 2010

July 8: International

An investigation in the United Kingdom into allegations that some scientists had changed data to support their belief in man-made global warming showed that that was not the case. However, the report did find that they were not sharing data and had misled people with some information. This is the third investigation in recent months regarding this issue dealing with climate scientists at the Climatic Research Unit of the UK’s University of East Anglia. These reports agree with the United Nation’s 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that global warming is “unequivocal” and is “very likely” caused by humans. The scientists were told that they needed to be more responsive to their critics and to do a better job of explaining their methods. This report came about from the release of 1,000 emails hacked from the computers at the university, which seemed to indicate that the scientists were hiding information. The integrity of the scientists stayed intact, but their failure to be open with others in their field reflects badly on the university.

Whether global warming is happening as a result of humans or if it is simply a natural cycle for the Earth has not been proven completely either way. The best way to find out is to have open, honest investigations and decide how to proceed. It is alright to question their methods, but the scientists in charge must share information willingly and not try to make information appear the way they would like it to. That simply leads to mistrust and solid scientific information could be discounted simply because those scientists have lost the trust of the public.

Ball, Jeffrey and Guy Chazan. "Report Backs Climate Data, Scolds Scientists." The Wall Street Journal. 8 July 2010.

1 comment:

  1. True, scientists have proven both ways that global warming is a result of humans but that it also is a natural cycle and shift for the earth. However, scientists in their studies must remain unbiased and must share their findings with others, otherwise the findings are simply worthless. To simply be tunnel-visioned in science is not science. It will be interesting to see how the 2000's match up to the 1970's, because as documented the 1970's were warmer, more ice caps melted, and weather patterns shifted and changed.
