On Tuesday July 6, 2010, the Justice Department filed a law suit against the state of Arizona to block its new immigration law, which will take effect later this month. Illegal immigration would become a crime under the statutes of the state of Arizona. Also, police, when stopping people for other crimes, would be required to check their immigration status. Arizona has stated that they have put this law in place because they believe the federal government has not done enough to help protect their border with Mexico from illegal immigrants. The Justice Department says that Arizona’s law is a challenge to Federal authority regarding immigration. This new law is proving to be politically divisive, not only in Arizona, but in other states, particularly those with Democratic offices soon to be vacated in November. Arizonans, and others who support the law, say it has been brought about because of the high number of kidnappings and murders that have occurred as a result of illegal immigration. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has stated that if the Obama administration is concerned about challenges to its authority, it should also address “sanctuary policies” in cities where police are not permitted to cooperate with the immigration officials. There is concern in the Democratic Party that this move by the Obama administration will be looked at badly by middle class voters, and may affect November outcomes. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey shows that 45% said they would be comfortable with a candidate who favors the law and only 38% said they would not. 61% of people in Colorado said they would like a law like that as well. Not all Democrats support the law suit and in Arizona, 3 Democrats up for reelection said it would be better to have the Federal government fix the broken system and enhance security on the border. Washington says that if Arizona is allowed to go forward with this law, other states will make up their own laws, and the country will not have a clear set of immigration standards.
Arizona has been put in a very difficult position. Immigration laws should be made by the Federal government, but the ones in place are not being enforced and crime in Arizona has risen dramatically. The Governor has asked for additional troops along the border, but was given only a small percentage of what she asked for. With no clear plan being offered by Washington, the state has little choice but to protect its citizens as best it can. This is likely to become an issue in November, as more and more Americans see Washington as unresponsive to the needs of its citizens. To some, it seems as though Washington is taking the side of the illegal immigrants, or, perhaps its own authority, rather than looking out for the safety and security of Americans.
Meckler, Laura, Evan Perez and Miriam Jordan. "U.S. Hits Immigration Law." The Wall Street Journal. 7 July 2010.
We will definitely follow the progress of this case during the school year. It's interesting to me how the people favor such a law, but I wonder if it will eventually be classified as racial profiling.